Electron - Jasvascript App Creating and Deploying Applications

 It is possible using NodeJS, NPM and Electron to build portable desktop applications using Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. For this it is necessary to install NodeJS with NPM. After this installation, using npm, Electron is installed.

$ npm i -D electron@latest

After installation when creating projects it is possible to empot it in a binary to distribute it to Linux, Windows systems in a single executable file using (at the moment of this post) the command

$ npx create-electron-app my-app

The above command will generate a directory with application files, to package it we will use,

$ npx run make


In the project directory will appear a folder named out in this will be the application binaries.



Create And Distribution Electron APP Quick Tutorials https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/quick-start

NodeJS - page to get NodeJS and see documentation https://nodejs.org/en/

ElectronJS - https://www.electronjs.org/ Documentation and examples, source code

ElectronJS Documentation - Application Distribution in Binaries

ElectronForge - tool for creating, publishing, and installing modern Electron applications

Electron Builds

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